Connecting people with policy.

Holding leaders accountable.

Fighting for a better Arkansas for all.

For AR People

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Connect the Dots
January 7, 2025

State Continues to Hide Franklin County Prison Process and Ignores Promises to be Transparent

On January 7th and 8th, 2025, the Department of Corrections held meetings with Vanir Construction Management to discuss the project goals for a proposed prison in Franklin County. The Franklin…
December 11, 2024

Cutting SNAP and Stepping on Poor Families

Today, Governor Sanders announced that she had sent a letter to the federal government asking the incoming administration to dramatically restrict the foods available for purchase using SNAP (Supplementary Nutrition…
November 25, 2024

LEARNS Vendors Waste Tax Dollars for Dressage and Bouldering

With LEARNS vouchers going universal next year, we’re getting more and more details about just where our hard-earned tax dollars are going. Mostly, they’re helping rich families pay for fancy…
Connect the Dots
November 8, 2024

The Franklin County Debacle Is Another Example of Sanders’ Steamrolls

Over the last week, residents in Franklin County have grown increasingly furious at Governor Sanders' move to secretly ram a new 3,000 bed prison down their throats and into their…

We've put together an advocacy guide for folks opposing the Franklin County prison project. It's got some simple but effective action steps that don't take up a lot of time or effort.

#franklincountystrong #standwithus_fcrvc @StandWith_FCRVC

Regarding Franklin County: Staff at the Bureau of Legislative Research confirm that the Arkansas Development Finance Authority will lease the 815 acres in Franklin County to the Arkansas Department of Corrections for $1 a year. This won't require legislative approval. #ARpx (1/3)

Good morning Arkansas! We're posted up in the Children and Youth subcommittee, where the Franklin County and River Valley Coalition is making a presentation opposing the construction of a 3000-bed prison. The prison was announced suddenly earlier this year without warning locals.

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Arkansas’s state motto is

"The People Rule"

But for too long, many of our state politicians have been operating in the shadows, prioritizing interests of the wealthy and powerful over interests of the people. They put partisanship and deep-pocket campaign donors ahead of us, the voters.

This is our state. We are fighting back.

For AR People

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Freedom For All

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Opportunity for All

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