As Pulaski County poll workers make their way through their final ballot boxes, what’s next?
In his 10 years as a Pulaski County poll worker, Charlie Beckman never saw a mess like this. With more than a week gone by since Election Day, the Pulaski…
But which votes? And when? A bit of back and forth at the Pulaski County Election Commission office this morning. Poll worker teams are here to prep for counting the…
Attention Pulaski County voters! YOUR ballot may be in danger of not being counted. But you can fix it if you act now! Check this list for your name – if you’re on it, it means your ballot has an error that needs to be fixed, or “cured,” by noon on Monday.
A shadowy group of political insiders called Arkansans for Transparency is spending lots of money to subvert the will of the people. The voters deserve their say.
Before you head out to vote this year, make sure to double-check where your polling place is. It may not be the same place as last year.
A record number of Arkansas voters cast ballots before Election Day Election workers throughout the state were ready for this unusual year So far, so good, the State Board of…