When my friend dialed the MyARnurse hotline, she expected scripted talking points against abortion. What she didn’t expect was the relentless interrogation. “I think I might be pregnant,” she told…
Today, the Arkansas House Education Committee voted to advance HB1180, the “Baby Olivia Act.” This bill would mandate anti-choice propaganda to be taught in Arkansas classrooms, disguised as science. The…
The Arkansas legislature is aiming to provide some real indoctrination to our classrooms. House Bill 1180, deceptively titled the “Baby Olivia Act,” is a Trojan horse for anti-abortion propaganda. This…
For AR People has made no secret of our support for the Arkansas Abortion Amendment. After all, we were the founding member of the ballot question committee last year. But…
This week, the House passed HR1003, a resolution opposing the Arkansas Abortion Amendment. The resolution was full of misinformation, propaganda, fear-mongering, and perhaps worst of all, anti-democratic sentiment. How does…
Recently in Northwest Arkansas, a farmers market bustled with folks out enjoying the spring weather — families, kids, and dogs in cute bandanas. But among the crowd of happy market-goers were…
In the wake of an alarming decision by the Alabama Supreme Court, the landscape of reproductive healthcare in Arkansas is even more dire than before. A recent Alabama Supreme Court…
The far right’s political propaganda only uses one thing: fear Extremist, anti-abortion rhetoric often relies on misleading propaganda to sway public opinion and garner support for the anti-choice cause. By…
Anti-choice posters have a long history. But they aren’t particularly accurate, and they’re intended to provoke a misleading emotional response.
Today the Office of the Attorney General certified the Arkansas Abortion Amendment put forward by Arkansans for Limited Government. Here’s what that means: It’s time to fight. It’s time to…