Questions about legislative tax session and raises for educators? We’ve got you covered.

What’s on the agenda for this session?
- Tax cuts for Arkansas’s top earners.
- $150 temporary, non-refundable credit for the rest of us.
What’s not on the agenda for this session?
- Raises for teachers and school support staff.
What can we expect?
- Lawmakers will speed through the GOP tax agenda to give already-promised tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy.
What about raises for educators?
- A determined group of legislators want raises for teachers, but it’s not on the Governor’s agenda for this session.
- This means supporters of educator raises have to wait to run their bill until after the tax agenda wraps up, likely on Thursday.
So teachers and support staff will get a raise once the rich get their tax cuts?
- Probably not. Our guess is GOP members will try to adjourn before the RAISE Act can be considered.
- Likely outcome: Members will either vote to stay in session to take up teacher pay, or vote to adjourn and leave without considering teacher pay.
This is absurd. What can we do?
- Get loud and tell your legislators they need to vote to stay for teacher pay.
- Call your representatives.
- Ask to vote NO on adjournment, because teachers deserve a pay raise now.
- Call the House and Senate chambers and ask them to leave a pink note for your reps while they are on the floor:
- Tell members, “Stay for teacher pay! Vote ‘NO’ on adjournment.”
- Arkansas Senate: (501) 682-2902; Arkansas House: (501) 682-6211.

What happens if lawmakers go home instead of giving educators a raise?
- We hold them to account.
- Sign up to get our updates: knowledge is power; we will keep you informed and equipped to stay engaged on the issue of educator pay.
- Call members out publicly: tweet, tag, post—shine a light on lawmakers who oppose educator raises.
- Check your voter registration: we deserve lawmakers who value our livelihoods more than lining the pockets of the wealthy. The members who vote to tax cut and run? We’ll hold them accountable at the ballot box.